We have a bunch of resources to keep you updated.
5 Funny Reads for 10 Year Olds
Funny New Books for 10 year olds Do you have a bored child at home? Does your child love reading? Sometimes parents find it hard to find a book that is age-appropriate for their children, or they simply don’t have the time to go to the bookstore and browse themselves....
Multisensory Letter Formation
Multisensory Approaches to Letter Formation Practice All of these activities use simple household materials. Kids will be excited to practice their letter formation while developing their fine motor skills. Older siblings can practice their high-frequency or spelling...
Apps to Practise Times Tables
5 Fun Apps to Practise Times Tables Memorising times tables is a necessary mathematical skill. When maths facts become automatic, students can free up their brainpower to do higher order problem solving. There are many times tables apps out there, some of which can...
5 Must Read Picture Books!
Children’s Literature Recommendations Five great picture books to enjoy over the school holidays. Here are some touching, funny and ingenious recommendations to enjoy. We hope they become new favourites! They All Saw a Cat by Brendan Wenzel This brilliant book...
AMAZING Educational Apps
“If we teach today’s students as we taught yesterday’s, we rob them of tomorrow.” ― John Dewey Nowadays, children are exposed to mobile phones and iPads since they are born, and we all know how much they enjoy spending time on them! So why not take advantage of that...
5 Reasons Why Children Should Do Some Revision in the Holidays
We understand that the holiday period is a time to rest and disconnect from our busy everyday lives; however, having your child do some revision during school holidays can be truly advantageous for many reasons. 1. Don’t let your child drop reading levels: It has...
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