+61 421 711 622 / 0293 897 893


We have a bunch of resources to keep you updated.

Holiday Entertainment Ideas

Holiday Entertainment Ideas

You'll love these hands on activities and craft ideas to keep the kids entertained these holidays! Science Experiments http://www.sciencekids.co.nz/experiments.html http://www.kidspot.com.au/kids-activities-and-games/science-experiments+10.htm...

Nurturing a Growth Mindset

Nurturing a Growth Mindset

Do you believe that a person’s abilities are fixed and that innate talent determines success or do you believe that through hard work and dedication, a person can develop traits such as intelligence? If you agree with the latter view, then you have a growth mindset!...

Let’s talk about READING

Let’s talk about READING

When can kids start reading? The sooner you expose your child to a book, the quicker they will start enjoying reading! There’s no specific age to start; children encounter words since they are born! There are signs, labels, magazines and hundreds of words around us...


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