5 Reasons Why Children Should Do Some Revision in the Holidays
We understand that the holiday period is a time to rest and disconnect from our busy everyday lives; however, having your child do some revision during school holidays can be truly advantageous for many reasons.
1. Don’t let your child drop reading levels: It has been proven that, during school holidays, children tend to drop 2 or 3 levels, so all the effort they’ve put into getting to it during the year can be jeopardised by not reading at least a 10 minutes every day during the holiday break.
2. Routine: We all know how important routines are for children. They help your child feel safe and develop self-discipline. Whether it is for bedtime, bathtime or homework time, children should not stop these as they are part of their daily lives. Getting back into the “learning” routine can be very hard, so it is advisable that you child keeps his/her reading, writing and/or Maths time during the holidays, so that the transition to the school term is smoother.
3. Show the importance of LEARNING: It is crucial that children feel that “learning” is not just something you do at school. We should nurture our children’s love for learning, showing them that it is grand and empowering. If your child feels that he/she should only “study” at school, then they will see it more as something you HAVE TO DO, instead of a holistic wonderful process that will help them throughout their whole life.
4. Build- up their confidence: Doing some revision during the holidays will help your child feel confident about themselves before going back to school. If they believe they have learned and improved during the school break, it will give them self-confidence and assure them a head start.
5. Learning is FUN! We firmly believe that learning should be a fun and engaging process, helping children develop lifelong learning skills through a variety of resources. Learning should ALWAYS be seen as a fun activity! Let your child learn during the school holiday without feeling the stress of “doing well” just for the mark, and you will see how much enjoyment they find in learning!
Remember that LEARNING EMPOWERS, so let’s give our children all the best opportunities for them to reach their true potential! Let’s make the holidays count!